Muller Environmental Planning Manager Authors Book Chapter

Muller Engineering Company’s (Muller) Environmental Planning Manager, Kelly Maiorana, contributed a chapter to the book titled “Climate Change and the Built Environment,” published by the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC). The book is intended to be used as a resource for design professionals, property owners, planners, contractors, and other industry stakeholders to address climate change. The book includes recommendations for making projects more resilient and for protecting infrastructure assets. The book was authored entirely by women from across the industry.

“Chapter 8: Approaches to Resilient Infrastructure Planning and Design,” Kelly’s chapter, is based on lessons learned evaluating resiliency opportunities on Colorado Department of Transportation assets stemming from the 2013 flood. Kelly authored a section which provides an approach to assessing natural and operational risks during the planning phase of a project, which was informed largely by her work on the US 34 Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) study. Kelly relied on support from a talented Muller team, including Jeff Wulliman, Addy Stearns, Jason Campbell, and Steven Humphrey, who also authored a Case Study on the US 34 Big Thompson Flood Recovery Project.

You can read more about the book on ACEC’s website

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