I-76 And CO 52 Hudson Interchange

Weld County, Colorado

A book cover featuring a green line, highlighting its unique projects.

I-76 carries traffic between Denver and the Eastern Plains, while CO 52 carries traffic between the Town of Fort Lupton and the Town of Hudson. To address numerous deficiencies, this project identified and evaluated them, developed improvements to mitigate them, ranked the improvements, and completed designs for selected improvements based on available funding.

Some of the key deficiencies identified at this interchange included:

• Sight distance deficiencies throughout the interchange with emphasis on all the I-76 on/off ramps
• Left-turn deficiencies, related to gap availability, at and around the interchange including: off ramps, on-ramps, and local intersections
• Left turn lane storage deficiencies for vehicles getting onto I-76 both eastbound and westbound
• Confusion concerning westbound I-76 on-ramp and westbound Frontage Road access
• Lack of multimodal capabilities

Muller completed a CDOT 1601 Project Level Interchange Feasibility Study. The feasibility study process developed an array of potential improvements, evaluated them, and provided recommended interchange improvements. The study included an extensive public involvement and stakeholder outreach process to develop a consensus on interchange improvements.

The project improvements include widening of CO 52 over I-76 and making CO 52 a multimodal corridor that includes sidewalks to provide pedestrian and bicycle connectivity between the Town of Hudson and commercial developments on the west side of the highway.

The widening of CO 52 required the widening of the bridge over I-76. Bridge modifications include the removal of approach slabs, railings, and sidewalk. Improvements included a new wider sidewalk, approach slabs, and bridge rails, drains, and joints. The bridge widening required the structural design of the bridge deck, prestressed concrete beams, pier, abutments, wingwalls, and deep foundations. Other structural elements for the project included retaining walls on deep foundations, moment slabs, a TL-5 barrier to protect the center pier from impact loads, drainage structures, and pedestrian railings.

This project transformed the I-76 and CO 52 interchange into a multimodal corridor with pedestrian and bicycle connectivity between the Town of Hudson and commercial developments on the west side of the highway. Improvements were made to eight intersections, designing two roundabouts, and widening the CO 52 bridge to optimize the performance and safety of these facilities.


CDOT Region 4


Traffic Engineering & ITS
Transportation Planning & Design
Stormwater & Floodplain Management
Structural & Bridge Design


1.9 Miles of Access Control Plan | 1 Roadway Bridge | 1.9 Miles of Corridor Planned | 14 Curb Ramp Improvements and Upgrades | 1 Mile of Fiber Optic Lines | 1 Interchange | 2 Non-Traditional Intersections | 8 Intersections | 1 Railroad Crossing / Coordination | 0.3 Mile of Interstate Roadways | 1.2 Miles of Rural Roadway | 0.7 Mile of Urban Roadway | 2 Roundabouts | 0.5 Mile of Sidewalk | 3,311 Feet of Storm Drain | 1 Traffic Signal 

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