Signalization of US 34 & CO 257 Ramps

Greeley, Colorado

A book cover featuring a green line, highlighting its unique projects.

Muller’s engineers designed four new traffic signals on CO 257 at the US 34 and US 34 (Business) routes west of Greeley. The signals are located at each on- and off-ramp intersection of the two closely spaced interchanges. The design followed CDOT’s clearance processes for environmental, utilities, and right-of-way. Key elements of the signal design included: signal pole placement for future corridor widening, fiber optic and wireless interconnect design, restriping of the CO 257 corridor to provide auxiliary lanes, intersection signing, detection design, and development of coordinated traffic signal timing plans. Other supporting design elements included stormwater management plans, SUE, specifications, and construction cost estimates.


CDOT Region 4


Traffic Engineering & ITS
Stormwater & Floodplain Management


CDOT project website: US 34 and CO 257 Signalization


0.9 miles Fiber Optic Lines | 3 ITS Device Sites | 4 Traffic Signals Connected/ITS | 4 Traffic Signals Designed | 4 Traffic Signals Timed

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