Broomfield, Colorado
Broomfield modified its Water System Model in 2014, and it indicated current and projected deficiencies within the water system. The City developed a master plan to identify necessary upgrades within the system until 2030. The first phase identified in the 2014 Water Model was a new 30-inch transmission line in West 144th Avenue from Broomfield’s water treatment facility to Lowell Boulevard. It was built in parallel with an existing undersized 12-inch line at this location that did not meet system demands. The new 30-inch transmission line provides additional capacity to supply water from the water treatment facility into the system to serve their newly constructed North Area Developments.
For the 30-inch transmission line design, there was little flexibility with maneuvering it around other utilities. Our team developed a good understanding of the utilities in 144th Avenue to find a route that minimized utility conflicts. Muller assisted Broomfield with coordinating relocation efforts with affected utility companies. Also, we prepared a construction phasing and sequencing plan for the water line installation, testing, and ultimate connections to their existing 30-inch steel discharge line at the water treatment facility and 16-inch main in Lowell Boulevard.
In addition to the new water line, the project included the design of four new pressure relief valves (PRVs) in the water system at various locations between 152nd Avenue and CO 7 (168th Avenue) to correct both the high and low pressures in the system. This work also involved decommissioning existing PRVs that did not provide the service requirements for optimizing the water pressures. The PRV vaults required space to configure the piping and vaults in tight corridors while trying to stay within the street right-of-way. Broomfield decided to test the system with the installation of the 30-inch line before constructing the PRV’s.
Muller provided design support services during construction
City and County of Broomfield
Water & Wastewater Utilities