Dillon Road/West 144th Avenue Improvements

Broomfield, Colorado

A book cover featuring a green line, highlighting its unique projects.

Increasing traffic volumes in the area caused traffic congestion and delays during the peak hours, with the Broomfield Transportation Master Plan anticipating between 30,000 and 35,000 vehicles per day in the corridor by 2030. The new template for this 4.1-mile urban arterial roadway improvement included four through lanes, two in each direction, a raised or striped median, bike lanes, curb and gutter with new storm sewers, roadway lighting, and new traffic signals. A new ten-foot detached multi-purpose trail runs from US 287 to Sheridan Boulevard. Near Sheridan Boulevard, a new box culvert now encloses 1,500 feet of the community ditch adjacent to the widened roadway. All-in-all, this project provides 3.1 miles of multi-use trail, upgraded 10 intersections with signal pole foundation designs, building a 150-foot long retaining wall, and widening a box culvert to carry Rock Creek under the roadway. From Aspen Street to Sheridan Boulevard, the project includes a frontage road along the north side of Dillon Road/West 144th Avenue to control access and provide safe ingress and egress to residential properties. Muller provided planning, design, and construction support services.


City and County of Broomfield


Traffic Engineering & ITS
Transportation Planning & Design
Stormwater & Floodplain Management
Structural & Bridge Design


City and County of Broomfield


  • 2024 ACEC Colorado Engineering Excellence Merit Award


0.5 Mile of Access Control Plan | 4.41 Miles of Bike Names | 73 Curb Ramp Improvements and Upgrades | 4.7 Miles of Fiber Optic Lines | 10 Intersections | 4.9 Miles of Urban Roadways | 2747 feed of Sanitary Sewer Lines | 1.3 Miles of Sidewalks 14,061 Feet of Storm Drains | 5 Major Storm Drain Outfall | 11 Traffic Signals Connected | 7 Traffic Signals | 3.1 Miles of Trails | 7,325 Feet of Water Lines

“Prior to the project, this corridor had the second highest crash rate in Broomfield. The multimodal safety enhancements recommended by Muller significantly improved the corridor by adding new dedicated turn lanes, raised and striped center medians, and curb and gutter. A tough decision was made to replace 14 direct access driveway connections with a frontage road along the Pony Estates subdivision. Before these improvements, it was nearly impossible for the adjacent residents to leave their homes during peak hours. The corridor has already realized a 30 percent crash reduction.”
Kathryn LangdonCIP Project Manager, City and County of Broomfield


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