Adams County, Colorado

A book cover featuring a green line, highlighting its unique projects.

Muller provided preliminary design, final design, bid and construction phase engineering services for this $8 million project that consists of a booster pump station to deliver an ultimate capacity of 33 MGD, and a 4 MG buried concrete reservoir facility.  In the future, the reservoir is planned to be expanded to ultimately store 16 MG of water.  The pumping station was designed with a 20-foot below ground pump room for 10 horizontal split case booster pumps, suction and discharge piping, on-site sodium hypochlorite generation system, new SCADA control system room, electrical room, mechanical room, bathroom, garage area, and overhead bridge crane.  The project also included the design and construction of the on-site transmission lines, drainage facilities, site grading and extensive landscaping to correspond with the neighborhood landscape already developed in the community.  The irregular contouring of the ground around the reservoir with mounds was designed and constructed to provide a natural appearance.


South Adams County Water and Sanitation District 


Water & Wastewater Utilities

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